Wednesday, March 26, 2014


To cultivate this yeast, I was obligated to drink two delicious 100% Brett Beers from Crooked Stave. Hop Savant and St. Bretta are both fermented only with Brettanomyces, although I have seen an email circulating from Crooked Stave confirming that depending on the batch of St. Bretta, there may also be some Lacto present. Bottles were refrigerated upright for a week or so after shipping, allowed to come to room temp, opened, bottle openings were wiped with an alcohol swab to sanitize, beer was poured into glass carefully to keep sediment in bottle. A small amount of diluted starter wort (~1.020) was added to the bottles, strongly swirled, and poured into a sanitized flask to be placed on a stir plate.

Once this culture had grown large enough most of it was used to ferment the Small Fetus beer. I transferred the last 4 ounces of it to a tiny sanitized mason jar, plated it on PCA + KAM (antibiotics), and have the jar and plate banked in my beer/yeast fridge. In retrospect, I wish I didn't have to use a plate with antibiotics in the media. I'll have to plate again if I want to find out whether or not there's Lacto in that culture, but I'm currently subject to using whatever extra plates are available in the campus lab and haven't had the luxury of time to start making my own. But a boy can dream.

Only one colony morphology is seen across the entire plate, not unlike that which was exhibited by the same strain when Chad Yakobson plated it on MYPG agar.

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